Sunday, March 25, 2012

Summer Nights

"Summer nights, they are so empty,
Summer dreams, they are so vain.
You could get hopes of an ending,
but our nights - refuse to go away.

I don't know how to live in the daylight.
The darkness calls: 'bury your soul with me',
I run, I fall, but never wake-up.
I twist, and I turn, but the long arm of the night -
won't let go..."

I've changed in the 6 years since I wrote this poem. I now let myself enjoy things, I let myself be happy. Though it doesn't come without a struggle, I feel warm inside more and more often, my laugh is purer this days, and I know now what love really is for the first time. And I even think I'm worth it...
enjoy the sunny pics and have a great spring...

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