I write. I think. I exist. That's my moto in life. That's the thing that defines me most of all and helps me think and see things clearly. Even though they're not always true objectively (maybe even most of the times), just to think about things is good for me, it shows me that I'm still me, still normal.. The thoughts aren't always cheerful, they're hard do think about at times. But the good thing about thinking constantly - is that you always reach new conclusions, that sometimes contradict old ones. You evolve. And I have the writing to thank that for.
And some more deep thoughts:
I believe that when we think, we truly follow the 4 steps that Bean from "Ender's Shadow" described - Know, Think, Choose, Act. The problem is that most of us get stuck in the transition from the 3rd step to the 4th, most of us don't follow our choice. Well, I think I've finally chosen a future for me, after knowing the options for a while, think about it and now choosing at last. Hopefully I won't get stuck in the transition, cause I know I'll have to face many challenges, so I really hope that I'll be able to act according to my choice.
My room. Serenity.
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