Sunday, September 30, 2012

Autumn Beauty and to My 50th Post

It's been a while since I've written, and it was due to the fact that I was scared - scared that my happiness has peaked in Madrid, and from here it's a down ward spiral, but at the past week (that has been a personal low) and this weekend (when things started to get better) proved me something - life is all about highs and lows, and I'll be fine with them all.

So, to welcome my favorite season (which is sadly so brief in my country), I write here a special post dedicated to love and beauty - 2 things I've experienced a lot in Madrid and I'll cherish for the rest of my life..

 At the plane, filled with thoughts..
The 1st day at school - looking all fashionable w/ my sneakers :P
 "El Angel Caido" - the devil's never looked so pitiful and poor..
 The best Icecream in Madrid :)
 And along came my love... Here's to us.



 9 months and still walking.. :) for many years to come..



 The first rain of the year, what a great farewell from the city that has become our home for 2 weeks and from whom we've benefited so much..

No the digo adios si no Hasta Siempre..